Astrological Transits; The Beginner’s Guide to Using Planetary Cycles to Plan and Predict Your Day, Week, Year (or Destiny). By April Elliott Kent. Your birth chart is a snapshot of the sky taken at the moment and place of your birth, one that reflects your character, personality, strengths, and challenges. But the moment after that picture was taken, the planets moved on–some quickly, some very slowly. Astrologers call the moving planets “transits,” and by comparing their movements to your birth chart you can gain a complete view of how best to prepare for challenges, meet opportunities, and stay grounded in a constantly-changing world.In Astrological Transits, astrologer April Elliott Kent will guide you through the best ways to make the most of your birth chart. Learn how to make the most of good transits and harness and transform the energy of “bad” ones. You’ll also understand planetary cycles and anticipate your own transits. Finally, you’ll know how to read planetary return charts, work with planetary retrogrades, and use eclipses to recognize major patterns and turning points in your life.If you are comfortable reading a birth chart, you are ready to move your chart into the future using transits. Instructions, tables, and worksheets will make tracking your transit cycles simple and exciting! Hardcover
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